Budget Headed To Governor | Jackson Hole Radio
Wyoming?s biennium budget has been passed out of the conference committee and agreed upon by both the House and the Senate; and now says Speaker Pro Termpore Keith Gingery, it?s on its way to Governor Mead for his signature. ?That budget is currently set at about $3.2-billion dollars.? Gingery says the governor can sign it as it is, or may choose to exercise his line-item veto power on portions of it. Gingery says additionally, funds were made available for the UW performing arts building and engineering building as well as $400-thousand for the AIDS drug rebate program and $250-thousand for the arts program.? Gingery says money was also found to help cut down the Developmental Disability Waiver Wait-lists. Gingery says Department of Health Director Tom Forslund was concerned about the operation of such a waiver and what money would be available for it.
Source: http://jacksonholeradio.com/?p=7568
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