Monday, February 18, 2013


This has been suggested to more more than enough times, so I guess I'm finally getting around to it. I suppose the only thing that sets this apart from other things is that not only will I be writing poems in different languages, I'll also be taking requests for poems about certain things, as well as for certain kinds of poems.

We'll start off with this one, it was asked of me to be about abandonment, so it's respectively titled as such.

There lies a street lamp on a corner street,
Abandoned, no longer accompanied by the sound of shuffling feet,
It stands, broken, rusted, unable to light up the sidewalk.
The people, they'd come and sit under it and just talk.
They'd give it a purpose and make it feel useful.
It's useless now, and it is no longer youthful.

But then there comes a stranger, a new friend to the lamp.
This stranger is you, you sit on the bench under it, it's damp.
The unfortunate part is the lamp is just like you, broken and alone.
You sit there wondering, your fate and purpose unbeknown.
You're useless now, abandoned like the lamp on the street corner.
You stay there looking distraught, you no longer have an owner.


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