Saturday, March 17, 2012

kent - New Drug for Zelboraf Skin Cancer | TopNews Arab Emirates

New Drug for Zelboraf Skin CancerIt has been recently revealed in a report that there has been the launch of a particular type of medication for the treatment of the Zelboraf Skin Cancer. There has been a rise in the number of cases of the disease in the U. K. and this calls for some serious action to be taken in the regard while there is still time. There are about 2,300 deaths due to this disease each year and the worst part is that it particularly seems to take a toll on the young people.

The treatment for the same tends to become difficult after a certain period of time and this is when it becomes potentially lethal for the patients. This ends to decrease the life expectancy of the patient as well.

In the same wake, there has now been the launch of new drugs for the treatment of the disease. This has been done by the European Commission and they are of the view that this new life-prolonging drug shall soon be able to help the many people suffering from this disease. It was reported by a team of researchers from the Royal Marsden Hospital that Vemurafenib, the medicine for the disease, which is given to the patients twice in for tablets, is beneficial for the treatment of the disease. It tends to delay the process of deterioration in the body due to the disease and even helps in keeping the person fit for a longer time.

"This is an important and significant step forward for the treatment of patients with advanced melanoma. We are delighted that our patients were among the first in the UK to benefit from this clinical trial, led by Dr James Larkin at The Royal Marsden?, said the Chief Executive of the Royal Marsden Hospital, Cally Palmer.


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